Parc Omega

Over the years, as parents we have spent most of any leftover money to vacations with the kids. To us, experiences are the best value of all. As a family we have been to several places – Mount Rushmore, Devil’s Tower, Bear Country, Jewel Cave, The Badlands, Deadwood, Needles Highway,

My New York Film Story

Since I grew up in New Jersey, I have a long term relationship with New York City and I recently rekindled my love with the city when I spent a day going through my old haunts and enjoying a new total tourist view. I could talk about a bunch of

Down Memory Lane

When you move things around in your house for decorating or renovations, it’s common to find those things that you thought you’d never find again – like a receipt that you needed 5 years ago to return the ugly, outdated shirt that still hangs in your closet. But this, this

Franklin Park Conservatory

Hands down, the Conservatory is still the city’s best spot. My favorite shots from last week’s excursion.

Nature At Its Finest

No words needed …

A Visual Ode to Zinnias

It maybe weird to write an ode to a flower, but this summer I couldn’t have loved my zinnias more. I planted them through seed and watching the vibrant blooms multiply on the little garden plots I cared for in my front yard was a treasure all season, while bees

The First Summer Destination: NYC

In the vein of “doing” more than “thinking” more, I thought no more than a millisecond to decide on grabbing my 15 year old son to drive East, as our first post-Covid, fully vaccinated trip. Our destinations: New York City and the beach. And staying at my mom’s in New Jersey

Like a Walk in the Park

Last month I mentioned that I was hoping to get my groove back with this new Spring season, and I’m happy to say that the groove is kind of on, in my garden and in my life.  In my garden beds, I planted the sugar snap peas, radishes, arugula and

It Begins Again

It’s hard to believe what a crazy year we all had. I’m waxing nostalgia on this Covid year because this week last year all of my son’s schools shut down. And now this week, they are opening 5 days a week again. Looking back on the last 12 months, I

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